Hvad vi gør

Itfex-Org's aim

Is to provide assistance to the UK and European Procurement Companies, global Investors, and Exporters not only by identifying potential Investment opportunities but by working with them as field operators to liaise with the local government and their agencies for specific Investment developments.

Itfex-Org will assist Investors to discover the Land of Opportunities in Africa and the Island of Africa

Hvad vi gør

Kontakt til udlandet

Virksomheden er strengt knyttet til International Trade og Forum Exhibition Organization

At fremme forretningsbehov direkte til beslutningstagere.

Itfex-Org Proposed Categories

 Worldwide Investors

  • Private Sectors
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Small Companies
  • Medium Size Companies
  • Large Companies
  • The industry as a whole

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